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Search results for Allium.

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LEEK, BABINGTON Allium babingtonii 90cm. An unusual wild vegetable found only in western Ireland and south-western England. Plant the bulbs in fertile soil 2cms deep and 15cm apart, harvest and cook as for the common leek. Bulb - £3.50
ONION, POTATO Allium cepa aggregatum 15cm. A shallot-like small salad or pickling onion growing partially underground. Plant in early spring or autumn, usually available from september to february Bulbs (3) - £3.50
ONION, EVERLASTING Allium cepa perutile 30cm. A non flowering perennial which produces profuse clumps of leaves, standing well through the winter. Cut and use like chives. Plant - £3.50
ONION, TREE Allium cepa proliferum 35cm. From New Zealand, a more shallot-like dividing bulb, producing slender foliage topped with dangling clusters of small salad- sized white-red bulblets. Sold Out Plant - £3.50
ONION, RED TREE Allium cepa proliferum 60cm. The classic large upright variety with edible red aerial bulbs on divided stems, The foliage can also be cut for chopping into salads, stir-fries and soups. Sold Out Plant - £3.50
RAKKYO Allium chinense 20cm. In Japan this easily grown onion is used mainly in pickles. The strong flavoured leaves are also good to eat in salads and stir fries. Plant - £3.50
a ONION, WELSH Allium fistulosum P E 30cm. Use the green leaves like chives for flavouring, especially in the winter. Has a milder flavour than the tree onion.Sow the seeds outside in the spring. we can offer them by the gram, for example £3.50 for 5 grams. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
GARLIC, GIANT Allium giganteum 60cm. Large juicy bulbs with mauve flower spikes that store well. Plant in autumn or spring in rich ground. Bulb - £2.50
GARLIC, ROCAMBOLE Allium sativum var. ophioscordon 60cm. Red bulbed variety with a curled stem bearing bulbils. Plant out 10cm apart preferably in the autumn Bulbs (3) - £3.50
a CHIVES (Feuran) Allium schoenoprasum 20cm. Subtle onion flavoured leaves which are snipped like grass for use in salads, omelettes, cheese or baked potatoes.Sow outside. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
CHIVES, BLACK ISLE BLUSH Allium schoenoprasum 30cm. R.H.S. Award of Garden Merit 1995. Our own light mauve flowered variety which 'blushes' with a deep pink flower centre. Use as for common chives. Plant - £3.50
CHIVES, PINK PERFECTION Allium schoenoprasum roseum 30cm. R.H.S. Award of Garden Merit 1995. Chives make a handsome border plant if allowed to flower; dead head to promote more blooms. Our distinct pink form adds variety and is good to eat. Plant - £3.50
a or g CHIVES, GARLIC Allium tuberosum 30cm. From China. An irresistible combination of wild garlic and chives, excellent in cream cheese or crowdie. Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
c GARLIC, WILD/WOOD (Creamh) Allium ursinum 20cm. 'Ramsons'. Bright white star-like flowers and broad tasty leaves in early spring ,excellent in cleansing salads or with cheeses. Under cultivation with additional compost, the bulb can grow to a large enough size to use in the kitchen. Moist, shaded site.Sow seeds outside in the autumn Plant - £2.50
Seeds - £2.00
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